During our time in Vienna, we'll make use of classrooms, a study center, and various other student resources housed in the beautiful ~17th-century baroque Corbelli Palace (home to our Viennese study abroad partner IES).
You can learn more about the Corbelli in various places across the Internet. Here are a few:
You can learn more about the Corbelli in various places across the Internet. Here are a few:
- The New York Times highlights the Corbelli in an April 2019 article about central Vienna real estate
Above: The Palais Corbelli in around 1725
- A brief bio of Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt, the presumed architect of the Palais Corbelli
- Early 20th-century photos of the Palais Corbelli interiors
- More Corbelli photos on the IES Instagram page
- A 12-minute smartphone tour of the Corbelli, hosted by IES